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Site is built on Next.js with Tailwind CSS. CMS is from Notion API with react-notion-render ↗︎ by @9gustin for data rendering and upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary ↗︎ by @guillermodlpa for hosting images form Notion to Cloudinary. You can view the database on Notion here notion link ↗︎. Other dependencies include Prisma + PostgreSQL, Framer Motion, probe-image-size, seedrandom, react-lazy-load, ... See the Github repository of the site here github link ↗︎.
Typeface is Alegreya ↗︎ designed by Juan Pablo del Peral, Huerta Tipográfica. Mono typeface is Select Mono ↗︎ designed by MICHAEL McMASTER.
The idea of the site can be observed via the 3D View of the developer tool of Microsoft Edge. Inspect the site to see.
My first personal website ever!
Visit the vanghoa.github.io to see the website.
Take a look at the github repository.
This marked my first time developing a website entirely from scratch, without the use of plugins or web-building tools. I hand-coded the site using only plain HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript, then slapped it up on Github Pages as a static website. All that stuff I'd been accumulating from my past projects, from Semplice, from Webflow, from Javascriptinfo and more, it all clicked into place. This experience was like connecting the dots and seeing my knowledge come to life. Plus, it wasn't just about making sense of what I already knew – I got to build more on top of it during the process. Amazing!
The coolest feature of the website has to be the navigation bar that encircles all four sides of the page. It's like a window frame or an old-school television, and everything unfolds in the center, where all the information is displayed. The purpose of this website is to serve as a portfolio, a place where I can showcase all my previous projects. That's why the navigation bar is loaded with tabs for each project, making it super easy to find and explore. Other things like an "About Me" section, additional info, and my resume will all be conveniently tucked into the home page.
Each project tab on hover will toggle down a preview of the corresponding project. During this interaction, the styling of the window frame is altered to create the illusion that you're looking in a different direction. Achieving this smooth transition between the various grid and flexbox elements took me about a week of CSS work, but the result was worth the effort.
In the top right corner, there's a button that allows users to filter the projects by various categories. However, there was initially a problem with this interaction. Because it involved an animation created through DOM manipulation with JavaScript rather than CSS, clicking multiple times in quick succession would interrupt the ongoing animation and potentially break the navigation bar.
To solve this issue, I had to dive into various Stack Overflow questions and ultimately found a solution that utilized Promises to cancel previous animations. Now, when thinking back, I realized this mechanism is somewhat similar to the AbortController web API. Anyway, from that point, I got to know more about the concepts of synchronous vs asynchronous operations in Javascript.
When I was building this site, I really wanted to have smooth transitions between pages. But here's the thing: I thought it was impossible because when you click on a link (using the <a> tag), it refreshes the whole site, and there's no room for cool animations in between. So, my solution was to turn the entire site into a single-page site. But that created a new problem: how to keep a clean, human-readable file and folder structure instead of just dumping everything into one giant HTML file.
Here's how my folder structure looked back then, with each HTML file tucked away in its own folder, along with all the assets like images and stuff.
This prompted me to turn to using <iframe> to display other HTML within another HTML while keeping the production development neat and hassle-free. It did come with some limitations in terms of transition effects, but it was sufficient for creating the window-slide-in animation I had in mind.
I mentioned earlier that I didn't use any external plugins apart from vanilla JS, but that wasn't entirely accurate. I did incorporate a JavaScript library called Lodash, mainly for its debounce function. This function helped in delaying the execution of the resize event listener. Because the responsiveness of the navbar was achieved through JavaScript rather than CSS media queries, I needed to use this to prevent unnecessary executions when users resized their screens.
It's worth mentioning that I organized all the project information into a single item.json file and leveraged JavaScript to dynamically generate the navigation bar on the client-side. Back then, I didn't even know it was called client-side rendering, but it felt like a smart way to set things up for easier future maintenance.
I even went to great length to create instructions using CLI PowerShell to update new projects.
# Instruction to update portfolio:
# add 1 to item.json
$toAdd = @"
'name' : 'BI2P2',
'date' : '8/2021 - 10/2021',
'field' : [
'name' : 'Speculative',
'class' : 'spcl'
'name' : 'Website development',
'class' : 'dg_pro'
'name' : '3D design',
'class' : ''
'description' : 'Development of a fictional markup language systems, like HTML or XML but for organising, transporting and constructing elements in the physical world',
'soon' : false
$a = Get-Content 'D:\CODE\vanghoa.github.io\item.json' -raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$a += (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $toAdd)
$a | ConvertTo-Json -depth 32| set-content 'D:\CODE\vanghoa.github.io\item.json'
# add thumbnails (change the number $a) prepare 1 thumbnail img each project:
$a = 1
mkdir thumbnail
mkdir border
mkdir home
Get-ChildItem -File | ForEach-Object {
magick mogrify -format jpg $_
magick mogrify -resize 200x200> -quality 100 -path ./border "$($_.Basename).jpg"
magick mogrify -resize 900x900> -quality 100 -path ./home "$($_.Basename).jpg"
magick mogrify -resize 300x300> -quality 100 -path ./thumbnail "$($_.Basename).jpg"
cd border
Rename-item "$($_.Basename).jpg" -NewName "$($a).jpg"
cd ../thumbnail
Rename-item "$($_.Basename).jpg" -NewName "$($a).jpg"
cd ../home
Rename-item "$($_.Basename).jpg" -NewName "$($a).jpg"
cd ..
if ($_.extension -ne ".jpg") {
Remove-Item $_
Remove-Item "$($_.Basename).jpg"
cd border
imagemin * --plugin.mozjpeg.progressive=true --plugin.mozjpeg.max=95 --plugin.mozjpeg.stripAll=true --plugin.mozjpeg.size=200 *.jpg --out-dir=./
cd ../thumbnail
imagemin * --plugin.mozjpeg.progressive=true --plugin.mozjpeg.max=95 --plugin.mozjpeg.stripAll=true --plugin.mozjpeg.size=200 *.jpg --out-dir=./
cd ../home
imagemin * --plugin.mozjpeg.progressive=true --plugin.mozjpeg.max=95 --plugin.mozjpeg.stripAll=true --plugin.mozjpeg.size=200 *.jpg --out-dir=./
cd ..
# add project_pages folder image
mkdir out
magick mogrify -format jpg -resize 1700x> -quality 100 -path out *
Get-ChildItem -File | ForEach-Object {
Remove-Item $_
cd out
imagemin * --plugin.mozjpeg.progressive=true --plugin.mozjpeg.max=95 --plugin.mozjpeg.stripAll=true --plugin.mozjpeg.size=200 *.jpg --out-dir=./
# edit file html
After I had wrapped everything up, I showed it to my friends, and they didn't hesitate to give me some critical feedback. It stung a bit at first, but I realized it's okay to receive negative feedback. I got to improvise by pulling out a welcome screen with instructions on how the site works. I think that was the best I could do because I really didn’t want to change the navbar mechanism at all.
These are all the scripts I used to minify all my assets like images and videos. For videos, I uploaded them to vimeo instead of self-hosting (for obvious reasons)
imagemin * --plugin.mozjpeg.progressive=true --plugin.mozjpeg.max=95 --plugin.mozjpeg.stripAll=true --plugin.mozjpeg.size=200 *.jpg --out-dir=./out
imagemin * --plugin.pngquant.speed=1 --plugin.pngquant.quality=0.9 --plugin.pngquant.quality=0.9 *.png --out-dir=./out
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem) { cwebp -q 100 $file -o otoke.webp }
magick mogrify -resize 1700x> -quality 100 -path out *.jpg
magick mogrify -format jpg *.jpeg
imagemin * --plugin.mozjpeg.progressive=true --plugin.mozjpeg.max=50 --plugin.mozjpeg.stripAll=true --plugin.mozjpeg.size=50 *.jpg --out-dir=./out
for %i in (*.MOV) do ffmpeg -i "%i" "%~ni.webm"
These scripts were my way of minifying my CSS and JS files. Back in the day, I was a bit psychopath with optimizing everything to be as lightweight as possible. It's like I had a mission to shed every unnecessary byte from my code.
cleancss -o style_min.css style.css
terser scripts/script_start.js --compress --mangle --output scripts/script_start_min.js
terser scripts/script_end.js --compress --mangle --output scripts/script_end_min.js
So, after I wrapped up the project, I was feeling pretty good about my web development skills. I had built a cool portfolio site from scratch, and it looked awesome. But here's the thing: the more I used it and wanted to add new projects, the more I realized that maintaining it was a bit of a headache.
Every time I wanted to update the site with a new project or make some changes, I had to dig into the code and figure out how everything was put together. The code had gotten pretty complex, especially with those dynamic project tabs and transitions. So even small updates turned into a big puzzle.
I'd find myself going back to the code, trying to remember how I'd set things up, and making sure my changes wouldn't break anything. From running all the scripts to update my images, uploading some videos to preparing an HTML file, it was like a little project every time I wanted to update my portfolio. It made me realize that I needed a more user-friendly and efficient way to manage my site in the long run. I think that's why people use frameworks like React and customizable CMS solutions to handle these things more smoothly. This experience taught me that creating a site is one thing, but making it easy to update and maintain is just as important.
Bảo Anh as UI/UX designer and web developer
Big thanks to Stack Overflow for all the solutions to my problems
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